[A New Path] Bound by Love

Haunted sat in the chair watching as Virra and Aerian slept, his fingers laced together in his lap as he waited, silent as was the curse of being dead, charged with watching those whom he loved the most. Right now that was his family.

He reached forward now laying a hand upon Virras shoulder, enough force to rouse her from her slumber.

“Please do not wake Aerian this is for you and you alone” He stated softly

Virra opened her eyes those dark jewels fixed on him with sleep lingering on the fringes. But clarity came to her as a male was standing at her beside. “Who are you?” She whispered clearly acknowledging his words to keep the sleeping Aerian as such.

He rubbed his jaw for a momemt “Well that’s a new one, still I’m Haunted Elcarus, and you and I need to talk”

Virra looked from him to Aerian and left the bed carefully to not disturbed her sleeping love. Since she was completely exposed without clothing Virra gathered a crumpled shirt from the floor to slip into. “I see. Well…go ahead.”

Haunted had already turned his back as she left the bed with a look after she had covered herself his words came soft “I’ll be at the graveyard, there is something you should see” With that he vanished through the wall and into the darkness beyond.

Virra sighed but tired on her leather pants to fix herself with the usual leather vest and her weapons since she never went any place outside her home without them.

Virra used the shadows of night to her advantage of going undetected. Until she arrived at the cemetery looking around and searching for Haunted. She found it mildly amusing to meet someone named Haunted in a cemetery that could very well be Haunted.

The graveyard was unusually dark, mists crept through the grounds, as Virra stepped in the grounds behind vanished into the darkness, Haunted was crouched by a grave, as he stood and steeped aside the words were clear as to who’s grave it was.

‘Aerian Elcarus, you will always be my firefly’ Haunted shifted awkwardly now. On the grave were blood red roses, beyond Aerians grave was dark but it was clear enough to know not too far were Haunted and Krystals Graves as well as their mother Nelliahs.

“Not your version of the Elcarus Graveyard, at least not yet” Haunteds face was drawn in frustration as he watched Virra.

Virra narrowed her eyes on the header to the gravestone that Haunted was crouched beside, a muscle twitched at her jaw now, clearly this was not a pleasing sight to her. “Nothing is set in stone, Haunted. You are telling me that this may be…why?”

“Because I cannot sit idly by, we have the power to alter the course of the realm but our hands are tied, this IS the path you walk, but as you said nothing is set in stone, you already know the cost of Aerians gift, those that are driven mad by it, inevitably it ends in death for them as their very self is torn apart. For such a powerful entity the realm has a twisted nature” Haunteds voice seemed darker, irritated by his current plight “So I chose to act, the war at hand will cost you all in the long term, but you more than any other, I cannot stop all of that, but I can tell you how to protect Aerian, unfortunately it comes with its own cost, both to you and to me”

Haunted stood and the scene around them shifted back to the Mansion and the graveyard, they were now stood on empty ground “I’m not often known for breaking the rules Virra, but you are a strength this family needs and if Aerian falls I fear they will lose you, losing Aerian will destroy Kane and that has its effects on Aishani, you can see where this goes? I cannot allow that to happen, so I will give you the means to protect Aerian from death by her gift”

Virra’s chest rise and fell more readily now as the weight of Haunted’s words pressed in her. But she inhaled deeply with closed eyes. “I’m listening. Every one of the Elcarus mean something to me especially Aerian. Talk to me. I will do whatever I must to keep the glue to the family and myself alive.”

“The orb you and Aerian retrieved from the dwarf city is a rare form of Ascondias magic, undiluted by the realm, it was taken as she arrived and then hidden when she intended to leave, of course that never happened and she was made Queen because of her lineage, but that magic is also an undamaged version of Aerian” haunted stopped as he looked over his shoulder, there was a nervousness to his words now

“You need to create two items using that magic, the tricky part is they need to be sealed with the blood of those to be tied to it, your’s and Aerians, once that is done it will allow Aerian to experience the visions as she is meant to do, the catch is some of the pain will be yours to bear with her, that I’m afraid is the cost of protecting her, making the items will be tricky few can do what is needed, Aerian may know of someone”

Virra closed her eyes absorbing his words, breathing returning to a calm and steady rise and fall of her chest, but, when they opened a determination had settled in. “Then Aerian needs to be informed of this meeting and the orb. But, in this case, what is it you mean by create two items using the magic? Such as what? You have to remember, I am a nothing in this realm. I have no magical talent or affinity. I was born and raised to be a killer, but, now I love Aerian with everything I am and will be. So I will do whatever I may to keep her safe, even at the risk of my own life. But, we will not go down that road and I will have to talk to her about this…bonding.”

Haunted looked frustrated for a moment as he paced before he led her a little deeper into the graveyard now standing behind his own grave “The price we pay to protect our own is never guaranteed” He sighed softly before appearing to lean against the high rising cross “The what these objects must be is less important than the way they are crafted, Kane and Aerian had pendants for a while but the Elcarus magic that allowed the link faded some time ago, Kane is less linked than Ascondia which is why you need the orb, A ring, a knife, anything that you will both keep close at all times, Aerian already knows this can be done but the burden of seer is hers and hers alone or so she would have you believe.”

Haunted now crossed to stand before her his eyes staring deeply into hers “Now as for you been nothing in this realm, you were raised to be a killer, and had that path come to conclusion you would have killed Aerian, however you did not, and you alone chose to extract yourself from that life, align yourself with her father without really knowing if he would have killed you the moment he retrieved his daughter, but trust me Virra the moment you gained Aerian’s absolute trust, and her heart, you became one of us, it may not be Elcarus blood in you but I believe your heart beats as if it had. I could have taken this to Hades or her father but I did not I came to you because you have the best chance of keeping my niece alive, she would without question lay her life down to protect you, trust me I’ve seen it and I had no doubt you would do the same, you could tell Aerian what you need the items for and she would likely give you her blood and the link would work, just less than if you can keep this step to yourself and ensure the bonding is as strong as it needs to be to protect her properly”

Virra listened to Haunted in silence while waking with him deeper into the graveyard. His words weighted heavily upon her while it was true. Every single word. In the end she looked to him. “I will relay this information to Aerian. She will not be pleased at missing this bit I understand the reason. Yes I will do everything in my power to get this ritual complete with her help. I will not see her buried.”

“Nor will I, despite what those above me may think, I will not sit back and watch my family shattered when I have the ability to correct it, be safe Virra and take care of my family” Haunted turned as he spoke as his wards faded into the darkness so did he.

Virra watched as Haunted and this ethereal world melted away. But turned to return to her home and search for the orb.

Aerian stirred, the cool air surrounding her as she turned to notice Virra was absent, slowly she climber from her bed to look in the rroms beyond, as she found Virra she smiled softly.

“You’re supposed to put things away when you tidy up not the other way around”

Virra was surrounded by a mess of items, though, glanced over her shoulder to Aerian and rose. Nearing her, gathering her hair as reigns in her hand and crushing her lips against her own. The heat and passion encompassing the kiss was breathtaking even as it deepened. Though, broke the kiss with a shrewd smack. “I need the sphere, the orb, we brought back. There is a ritual that has to be done, Haunted told me you know how to do the bonding or someone that may. It is crucial.”

Aerian melted against the kiss her hands sliding to Virras waist with a soft moan, as they separated and Virra spoke Aerian blinked.

“Uncle Haunted told you all this? Wonder how many rules he broke” She sighed softly as she slid into on of the chairs, her eyes watched Virra for a moment “The orb is sealed up in the Mansion, safe as safe as it ever could be, but the bind doesn’t hold Dad and I tried it, it was OK for a while then the spell wore off” She shook her head gently “If it was possible I would have found a way to do it, even tried to bury my gift altogether but that resulted in a really bad headache and tumble from the roof of the stables, not the softest ground to land on, seems if the realm wants me to know something I’m not able to ignore it”

Virra glanced to Aerian as she settled while falling to her knees before her with her hands caressing her thighs. “The orb is our only hope Firefly. I have seen what the realm has in store for you. But the orb and the bounding ritual will save you from that. I have every intention to make it work. Is your father the only one that knows how to do the ritual?”

“I can do the ritual the hard part is finding something to contain the magicks, it’s not easy to do” Aerian look to Virra with a smile “But I can do it”

“Good. Then that is what we will do. This burden is meant to be shared. It will allow your visions to be as they were meant to be. Something that we will wear all the time. I want rings.”

“I’m guessing he remembered to tell you about the mind splitting pain? And you may or may not see what I see” Aerian knelt down to kiss Virra “The problem is now we can’t get out of the grounds, there’s a thirty thousand strong army sat at our gates, guess we’ll have to fire up the mansions forge” She made her way back to their room to dress before returning to Virra.

As they crossed through the mansion and down into the basement she reached a wall, tapping the wall it parted revealing the vault within, inside we many things, weapons of ages past, armour bearing the Elveran Sigil, the picture of her and her parents now hung on the wall as she stopped too look “Huh I guess dad finally took it down now he has finally found love” She smiled softly and they carried on through “Not to sound like an ass but try not touch anything I honestly have no idea why half of this stuff is down here except its not to be in the hands of others, though Uncle Haunteds philosophy of lock it up rather than destroy it is starting to cause spacial issues, she finally reached a glass box, inside lay her fathers old blade from his time with the Elveran Army and beside it lay the orb”

“Like I promised safe and sound,” As they made their way back out she smiled slipping her fingers through Virra “Now the fun part”

“I’m willing to deal with such things, if it means you will remain by my side, Firefly. It is unimportant as to what I see or feel, you have a gift that has been misconstrued by the realm. It is time we take this by the horns.” She walked alongside Aerian as the two descended into the basement, Aerian looked around at the area with the many items of ages past. Virra paused to look at the picture with a smirk. “Cute kid. But that child turned into a sexy fire bomb.” Virra chuckled while her dark eyes shifted to Aerian, though, at they stood before the glass box, a smack was to her rump but this was before she lifted the orb. “Seems, we have work to do. Let’s get to it.” Virra responded with a squeeze to Aerian’s hand.

“We do indeed” Aerian replied softly with a smile and led Virra from the vault and through a hall, the forge sprung to life the moment they entered the fires burst to life with a deafening roar. Aerian plucked through a pile of rocks to make her metals choice weighing each before choosing them.

“Worst part of metal work is getting the metals right, I learnt how to do this ….” She trailed off for a moment “Well you alrady know what I used to do, so there’s no harm in telling you I learnt while I was trying to retrieve a rather precious item, unfortunately for me his wife caught us in bed and I had to kill them both” She shook her head with a dark smile “Then they sent dad after me and I stopped doing jobs that required murder,” She had never once dropped her work flow working the metal as if it were liquid, every movement she made was precise.

Virra’s eyes widened as the forge came to life, as though it was a breathing conscious creature. She chuckled while moving to help Aerian choose out the best metals, though, listened to her while she spoke during her work. “At times, I miss the killing…but, when I am with you it gives me more appreciation to life then before. Now, with Aishani pregnant even more. It’s rather funny, how we came from two paths and never crossed before until you were in the cell and then I knocked you out. It’s odd how the realm works.”

“Honestly I’m surprised we never crossed paths either, but the realm has its plan and I guess you knocking some sense into me was a huge part of that, as it seems is a need to share my gift or curse depending on your opinion” Aerian smiled as she took the orb, her eyes watched the magicks within twist and curl against the glass before she hit the glass against the edge of the anvil shattering the purple haze lurched upward at her and with a short flick was redirected into the molten metals it swirl and the sound as if it cried out in pain before it settled and the metal swirled swallowing it down.

As she moved a plate aside finding the mould for rings she smiled softly tossing in a fleck of her own power “No point guessing size when the realm will sort that for us, and if it’s going to make you suffer then it can damn sure make sure my promise ring to you fits”

“You should never feel wrong for who you were Virra, because who you were is what helped us both become who we are, and I don’t know what’s got you so rattled about my path but you should already know many have tried to kill me and so far none have succeeded, even less likely with you at my side” she poured the metal with a skill that was hard to deny as it lurched fro the pot and into the mold, it would take a moment as the metals began to cool, a hint of purple ran through each, but primarily they were silver and mythril green a symbol of their eternal meaning.

Virra sat on the anvil now, ankles crossed, content to watch Aerian move around but as the red heads back was to her, she moved over to wrap her arms around her waist with a brush of her lips against the slender neck. A hand lifted to brush aside her hair to offer more optimal contact, licking and nibbling. “There is still one more part to this…isn’t there. I understood blood was to be involved.” She whispered beside her lovers ear

Aerian turned to face Virra her eyes soft “He really did tell you it all didn’t he, I only found out blood was needed to strengthen the connection after our original attempt failed, but yes we are supposed to add blood before this finishes cooling, you wear the one with mine and I the one with yours” Aerian drew her dagger with a soft smile “But without question Virra I offer you my life, everything I am” she drew the blade over her palm opening a wound before letting the blood spill over one of the rings, it flared for a moment as the magics contained within drank the blood before it vanished back within the the metal.

“I also know you weren’t supposed to tell me that part because in telling me you eliminate the only possible way it could fail, it had to be a willing sacrifice to open my gift to you, the rings and the magic would have worked it just wouldn’t have lasted more than a couple of years, once you add your blood, its for life, even if anything should happen between us Virra your stuck with it” There was a serious edge to her words as she swallowed down the thought that she could lose the only person in the realm she trusted and loved above even herself.

Of course, he did. He wants you to be safe and this is the only way he knows to protect you. Since he also knows I will do anything to keep you safe…” Virra removed a dagger from her sheath, eyes meeting that of Aerian’s. “I know this is not exactly kosher…” She sliced her hand while watching the blood pool in her palm. “I offer all that I am to you, Aerian. My light. My Firefly. My heart.” Virra turned her hand over to pour the blood upon the untouched ring, watching the effects from the flare and the metal cooled with the beautiful metal. Though before Aerian could reach for the mold of her ring, Virra snatched it and opened it up, lowering down to one knee and taking her hand with a kiss. “Aerian, I love you. As I place this ring upon your finger, we are bound and our fates become one. Please, will you marry me?” She held the ring between index and thumb to display, as those dark eyes were fixed up on her.

Aerian blinked her heart thundering against her chest as she stood still covered in soot from the forge her eyes on the ring then Virra, the moment held as the words failed her, finally she smiled “I will, of course I will”

As she felt the ring slip onto her finger then twist and form into shape she took the other and then Virras hand sliding it into place on her lovers hand, softly she smiled “That’s it, you’re stuck with me now, we are part of each other forever”

“Hate to spoil it. But you were stuck with me the moment I first laid eyes on you.” Virra stood and pulled Aerian into a deep and passionate kiss. As though the blood was not enough but this emotion behind such a display of affection staked the gate of the two young lovers. Now they were more then in a relationship but bound together as one. The ritual was complete.

It wouldn’t be long before their ritual would be tested as they made their way home, it hit, Aerian felt it stagger her as she looked to Virra there was an odd look in her eyes, she could feel the fire in her head and every fibre of who she was, burning every nerve as the visions hit, a flicker of the Elveran Castle Throne Room, she could taste the blood that was in the air, Ceremon and Z’ress were seated, Hareavor lingered beside them.
Aerian felt the knot of panic rise as she saw him but pushed aside the panic as she seated herself knowing this wasn’t real, Ascondia was blood stained and beaten, covered with scraps of cloth, as she looked to Aerian she was dead eyed. The scene continued as Aerian edged closer, it was oddly cold, she reached her mother taking her hands.
“Aerian, you came, I’m sorry”
The pain was sudden and intense or it should have been as she looked to see the blade clean through her, she heard the cry of Virra beyond, before Ascondia pulled the blade sideways spilling her insides to the ground. Aerian staggered and hit the ground. The vision faded as she looked into the dark of the Mansion courtyard, the dull ache in her head still present.
She crawled to Virra “Tell me I didn’t see what I think I just saw, I thought we were supposed to avoid me ending up dead” it had begun to rain as she sat resting against Virra in the dirt, her mind struggling to wrap around her vision “I’ve never had one so clear, not like that”

Virra was laying on her back, almost as though the air was punched from her lungs, she was gasping to the pain but when Aerian crawled over to her those dark eyes looked dazed to her. But, Aerian saw the clarity dawning on her, her jaw was clenched as it was more then clear that Virra was none too pleased about the vision. But sat up to wrap an arm around Aerian, pulling her close as the rain poured down on them, perching her chin on the fiery crown of the red-head. “No. I saw it. Everything. Then we have to take the situation to avoid it. Nothing is set in stone, Firefly. Nothing.”

“This one we’re supposed to avoid” Aerian kissed Virras forehead gently “Besides I’m not just going to stand there and let my mother be the one to kill me, seems anti climatic somehow” it was an odd tone in Aerians voice almost as if she were joking.

“Besides she’s in a castle cell, and we’re stuck behind a whole shit load of bad guys, the chances of us getting out alive right now are rather small, we have to wait for Dad and Aishani to pull of whatever it is they’re doing doing” Again she kissed Virra “And sorry I did warn you it hurts like hell”

Aerian let her hand slide under Virras shirt against the now wet flesh “I love you,” she breathed softly

Virra smirked to Aerian as her lips planted upon her forehead. “That’s my Firefly, full of spice.” She adjusted as the second kiss was presented, grimacing a slight. “Yes you did and I would gladly feel the pain to just have you still here with me. The wait is going to be a killer, but, I can manage.” Virra lifted her hand to place over Aerian’s beneath her shirt with the wet fabric between, raising her other hand to curl around Aerian’s neck and crush her lips against hers. The passion was breathtaking while the kiss enveloped every essence of their affection, though, after Virra placed her forehead against Aerian’s. “Now and forever.” She smirked

Aerian growled against the kiss before letting her hands work to ease Virra out of her clothes, the rain soaking them to the core but ignored among the passion that spilt through ever pore. Aerian placed kisses over Virras rain soaked skin losing herself in her lover, Aerians hands roamed the wet flesh her lips catching every inch of flesh.

Virra’s skin was blotched with colour as Aerian removed her tunic to expose her bosom and skin to the assault of the weather with the warmth of her lips. Her sounds her barely heard over the pounding rain as though the realm itself wept over the vision. She ran her hands through Aerian’s fiery threads as curling to utilise as reigns to bring her lips against Aerian in a deep and passionate kiss. Her own hand roamed and sunk beneath Aerian’s shirt to cup and knead into her mounds with a pluck of the buds insert the fabric.

Aerian moaned deeply her whole body pressed into Virra now as she slowly letting her hand slide against Virras inner thigh slowly, locked deep in the kiss for a moment before letting her fingers graze the tender flesh between Virras thighs, letting her fingers slowly trace her lower lips for a moment before sliding between them, slowly tracing over her clit.

Amidst the kiss, Virra moaned while her hands press more firmly into her bosom with a roll of each bud between her fingers followed by a pluck. As one hand continued the motions, Virra moved the palm behind to dip beneath her pants to cup and squeeze her bottom in order to press her closer. A single digit sliding between her soaked petals then up to plunge within her back door without warning or permission.

Aerian squirmed against the invasion, a low whimper escaping her lips. Her fingers tensed against Virra clit Virra for a moment before Aerian allowed her fingers slip down a little more and slip into her heated centre. The scent of the rain mixed with the scent of Virra was pushing Aerian into a whirlwind of emotion and need.

Virra released a supple signed of pleasure that only seemed to accent their voyage in this vessel of pleasure. Sliding her thumb to trace the drooling hate to her core just as another digit accompanied the current at Aerian’s starlet. Her free hand massaging hungrily into Aerian’s mounds with a pinch and pluck of the bud. The two hoping lovers were lost in their own world amidst the courtyard for any to witness.

Aerian let her fingers ease deeper into Virra for a moment before letting them slip back and circle the tender clit, her body pressed against Virra as the rain still hammered down on them. Her lips finding flesh of Virras neck and shoulder, instinct pushed her back against Virras actions. Aerian was already lost in her very real need for Virra, even as odd as it was for her to be so aggressively, in this moment Aerian didn’t care all she wanted was Virra.

Virra growled softly to the contact that Aerian made to her skin with her lips, while the fingers tended to Aerian’s starlet with more fever then before and the thumb dipped into her honey pot to caress the entry, though, now she curled her leg within Aerian’s to turn her over with a splash into the wet grass. The dark presence in her eyes spoke of the hunger that was deeply seated in the dark haired woman, but, before Aerian could react the sound of ripped fabric was heard while her shirt was ripped open and Virra lunched down to press her lips in an encompass to the tender erect buds, but never did her other bosom feel neglected with the grasp and massage of her hand.

Aerian whimpered as she hit the ground the cold of the earth seeping through her clothes, the feeling of the cool air across her skin forced her back to arc slightly into Virra as her body was exposed to the air and rains. There was something wicked in her eyes as she stared at Virra, before she reached up catching Virras hair into her hand and pulling her to a deep kiss, the passion as deep as she had ever known, her whole body shuddered.

Virra returned the fiery in the kiss as though the feeling was constable liquid and moaned amidst the tango of their sick muscles. Just then Virra’s thumb pressed upon Aerian’s button in a massage while her fingers pounded info her back door. It was clear now the purpose of the movements as they were to make Aerian scream with release.

Aerian growled deeply as her body shuddered, her legs trembling as her whole body shook with the wave of pleasure that ripped through her. Her mind went numb for a moment only the resounding thud of her own heartbeat was able to make it through the wave of pleasure that rocked her body.

Aerian smiled darkly as she shifted suddenly beneath Virra moving into position directly between her thighs, Aerian gripped Virras hips and pulled her down into her waiting mouth her tongue striking her clit with intent to return the same pleasure to her lover.

Virra was too lost on the fact of her lover releasing with an incredibly sound to react fast enough to Aerian’s movements. The instant her lips made contact with the lower petals, Virra howled with joy to the kiss that ensued in a whisper at her flower, urging the molten core to melt and give in to the urging from Aerian.

Just then her body tensed and that is when Aerian was paid with a rush of nectar, that was sweet and delicious, but, Virra lowered her hand to reign in Aerian’s hair tightly to not let the girl escape and give to desiring more, as her hips began to roll into her fiery lover.

Aerian moaned against the rush, drinking down her lover, not willing to spill a drop of her reward. As she lay listening to Virras breath she heard the draw of weapons and draw of a bow, instantly her blood froze and as quick she went for her weapon only to be greeted with a boot to the ribs, a low growl of menace as she slid to her knees.

“I wouldn’t bother” Came the voice, so dark and detached “So when did my little princess fall for the girls? I thought you were happiest keeping our group happy? Though pity you ran out on your wedding, can’t say our boss too happy about that one girl, still you are hand delivering your little toy here, so perhaps you’ll keep your head after all”

I didn’t take Aerian long to put the pieces together, Virras father along with half a dozen mercenaries had seemingly managed to do the impossible and breach the defences of Elcarus Mansion, she mentally tapped the defences to know the anti harm spells were still up. Her eyes slid to Virra with a smirk “Seems my need for you got the better of my guard, though I’m curious how they got by the defence” There was accusation in her voice as she snapped her head to Virras father “But I already know it wasn’t here, which means somehow you got in through the caves beneath, the ones that feed the manor, which we can’t extend the fields to without almost killing my dad or my Uncle, so while you think you’re clever you’re actually not”

He struck and again Aerian was put the ground “I can’t kill you girl, your little spells prevent that, but we’re working on it, they will come down and when they do, I’m going to rip you apart for taking my daughter”

Virra moved to place herself between Aerian and her father. “The only one that is going to be ripped apart is YOU!” She stood and glared at her father. Asian had never seen such hatred in her eyes and it was enough to make one reconsider. “All I have ever done was to prove myself to you. That I was worthy. You sell me off like I was cattle to the slaughter. For once in your life you take sides with the money, but it is the wrong side. Mommy would be disappointed in you if she were alive. You mean to take away the one thing in this world I love…believe me. I fight for what I believe in. Do you?”

“All you had to do was sleep with Hareavor or Ceremon, have their child and we would have had the keys to the kingdom, but you chose to run, make no mistake Virra, when it comes to money and power, I need believe in nothing else” He smiled darkly as he looked at the two women with a smile “You are still the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, your mother would be proud”

Aerian spat blood into the ground before pushing herself to her knees “Yea, she would just not for the reasons you think, you can’t win and right about now Uncle Hades is going to know your here which means your ass is toast, little unknown fact about the defences of Dentarius, the anti harm charms only work on other people, we can actually kill uninhibited, bit silly of us not to be able to protect our own asses after all”

A flicker of concern crossed his face just for a moment before he looked to Virra “She’s lying? Trying so desperately to protect you, and your soul, so she doesn’t learn you wanted her dead just as badly as the rest of us, they took our meal ticket when her daddy made slavery illegal in Dentarius, our entire stock gone, the food on your table, your almost starved to death, had you not had the good sense to lay on your back and spread your legs you likely would have” He looked back to Aerian with a cruel smile “Bring the defences down and I will see that you both live, I’ll even be nice and lock you up together, you can fuck each other all you like and starve to death together in the dungeons”

“You already know I can’t, in over five hundred years they’ve only ever been brought down once, and it took a horde of dragons to do that, your no dragon, and the rest of your forces are on the other side, we can wait it out” Aerian replied softly “So can we get dressed before we freeze to death and you have to explain to my dad how his daughter and her lover died” There was a strange tease to the way she stated the word lover, a warning that Virra was hers now, and her family would defend her as one of their own “Virra may not be blood, but she is family, a concept lost on you it seems”

“Muzzle your bitch Virra or I will” He barked angrily

Virra remained calm, listening to her father, while the dangerous glint in her eyes resembled daggers. She neither confirmed or denied any of it, including calling Aerian out. She stood now, while her barked angrily to her, regardless of being exposed and the men behind him leering. “Mom…would be disappointed in YOU! There was a time, I had a father but you have never been a father to me. Yes, we were starving and there was no sense in talking sense into you. You are selfish pompous idiot, for once, I am ashamed of you. If you were smart…and I know you can be when greed isn’t blinding your actions. Ceremon knows, you go after the gold to line your pockets…I am happy and I actually HAVE a family now.” She reached back to pull Aerian up, displaying her hand to him. “We are engaged and I will be damned if you lay one…finger…on her, ever. All I have ever wanted was to make you proud, to treat me like your blood. Be smart, tactical, Pops. You are a tool as are your men. I have only ever wished to make you proud, suffered alone. Until I found her, she suffered alone and together we do so. I am going to give you one option, leave or join us. There is more strength in this family, then in Ceremon’s pinky finger. You always told me to choose my battles wisely, in this, it is a wise move.”

“You’re blind loyalty was always your best quality Virra, it’s a shame you chose to ignore your family, now you will die along with them” He turned to his men with a nod “Lock them up, let’s not keep Lord Hareavor waiting too much longer, find the other one, he will bring the fields down or he will watch his niece die very slowly”

Two men grabbed Aerian from behind following suit a further two grabbing Virra.

“He knows every inch of these grounds, and he knows how to circumvent the defences, Uncle Hades will kill your men and lock you in the dungeons right next to us,” She stopped as she stepped back feeling the over familiar prickle of a vision “Oh shit!” she muttered softly, steeling herself for a moment, it took everything she had to force it down her mind pushing back the forces of the realm itself as she clutched for Virra, she knew the pain that was tearing at her and could only imagine how it would feel to Virra, the realm was never one to wait one way or another.

Suddenly the pain vanished as a form swept through her, long blond hair and a childish charm, Virras father looked the figure over before taking a swing passing clean through.

“Yea really hard to hit a ghost,” Krystal laughed “Seems you really managed to piss the realm off, and Kane, and Hades well he has some seriously murderous intent, but they sent lil old me to deliver a message,”

“The dead don’t stay dead in Dentarius, I though it was just a clever play of words” Virras father muttered, the men had suddenly seemed nervous.

“Virras right you really ain’t too smart, Was he always this dumb, geez and I thought I got the shallow end of the gene pool. Oh well enough about that,” Aerian stopped his train of thought

“Why did they send you Krystal?”

“Oh right, the message, Ceremon wouldn’t keep dear Dad around, he wants the Mansion and he wants it empty, you’re just a means to an end, Hareavor would like rip your daughter apart for fun and well we already know you don’t care, so the message isn’t for you in the end” He turned walking back toward Virra.

“Convince Aerian to bring down the defences, it’s the only way to save her” his words were in Virras head as he walked right through her “But let them lock you two up first, and she isn’t to drop them until we say, everything for a reason I promise you that on my word as family, she is right you may not be blood, but you’ve earned your place among us”

Virra snarled at her father and just as she was to lunge forward was caught by two men, as they eyed her lustfully, but, she struggled with them. A glance now to Virra told Aerian everything she needed to know, as she was keeled over, gritting her teeth and panting to the insufferable pain that gutted her at that moment. She gasped when the pain was abolished and looked up as a familiar figure stood, Virra took advantage of the stun from the two men and shoved them back to move and wrap her arms around Aerian.

As Krystal walked through her and the voice sounded in her head, Virra nodded, leaning to whisper to Aerian. “Don’t fight it, Firefly…trust me on this.”

Aerian looked to Virra for a moment, but she stopped fighting as they led the two women off and through the Mansion, the doors to the dungeon were heavy as they slammed shut. Aerian watched as the guards retreated to just outside before she turned to face Virra.

“Thank you, if not for these” She raised the ring with a smile “You’re asshole of a Dad might have learnt what I really am, though I wonder in doing so if it would have been enough to change his loyalty to Ceremon, seems those of us cursed are rather high value, I’m sorry he won’t see you for you are though, if he crosses Uncle Hades, Hades won’t blink, wont think he will cut him down, not for us but Jade, you may want to make peace with that”

Aerian sank into he corner digging out the robes that were kept in the dungeons, they were poor quality but at least they wouldn’t freeze to death as she offered one to Virra “So why are we tactfully bowing out of this fight?”

She accepted the robe from Aerian but pulled her close as their combined body heat will definitely keep them warm. “Krystal. He told me to convince you to be locked away and to lift the wards with his signal. Can you do that? Trust me, Firefly. As confused as you, but the reason is far from me…at this time.”

“I can” She stated softly looking to Virra “But you know what they are for, the moment we drop them it lets Hareavor in, and his forces, we can’t defend against that” There was fear in her words as she spoke, her eyes closed as she settled against Virra “It puts us all in danger, it puts you in danger and I can’t, I won’t let that happen”

“I’m aware of this…but think about it Firefly. There is a reason that he wants this. We will be safe, of that I have no doubt.”

Aerian sat silent as she let things sink in her mind, her head still aching from the vision that should have been before she breathed and nodded “OK, just tell me when and I’ll bring the defences down, don’t really see many other options anyways”

“Good. I don’t know what is in store, Firefly. But we need rest and to be ready when the time comes.” She wrapped her arms around the redhead but tilted her chin up to kiss her softly.

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